Click here to read "Lessons from failure: Why we try, try again" from Science News Explores.
Students - Access it here through Newsela.2023-2024 School Year
Click here to read "Lessons from failure: Why we try, try again" from Science News Explores.
Students - Access it here through Newsela.2023-2024 School Year
Q: What types of student concerns or issues do you address at the Student Center?
A: The concerns that the Student Center can address are typically school-based concerns that are impacting a student's ability to function adequately in school in some area(s), that may include academic stress, coping skills, or social relationships. Sometimes, a student may need more intensive services than what brief school-based counseling can provide. If this is the case, the student's parent is contacted to discuss the concerns as well as resources that are appropriate to meet the student's needs.
Q: How does a student make an appointment?
A: Stop in to Room 114 and speak to Ms. Dahse or Mrs. Randazza OR Email Linda Randazza or Email Shannon Dahse
Q: How does a parent make an appointment?
A: Parents can contact the Student Center staff by calling or emailing Ms. Dahse or Mrs. Randazza to make an appointment.
Linda Randazza- 973-564-7130 ext. 10034 ; Email Linda Randazza
Shannon Dahse- 973-564-7130 ext. 10033; Email Shannon Dahse
Q: What happens if a staff member has a concern about a student?
A: When a teacher or other staff member has a concern about a student, there are a number of potential actions that can occur. In most cases, the guidance counselor and/or an administrator is made aware of the concern. The guidance counselor and/or administrator may gather additional information about the concern and determine whether a referral to the Student Center is appropriate. Other courses of action may include a referral to the Intervention and Referral Services (I&RS) team; staff and/or parent consultation; referral to an outside support service, etc.
The MHS Student Center provides counseling services to support students in areas that affect and/or impact their education. The purpose of this website is to provide information regarding mental health topics. The supports listed in this website are suggestions that can be utilized.